Creating an Invoice

  1. To create invoice clik a New Invoice button from the toolbar. Invoice details window will appear.
  2. Select customer by enter his name in dropdown or press yellow folder button to open customers list.
  3. Click Add Item button to open products view and select one item to invoice. You can also add item to invoice by clicking in item column and select one from drop down.
  4. Apply discount to invoice by click Add discount button. You can also apply discount to selected item by enter amount in discount column. Read more abount discounts here Discounts
  5. Click Shipment button to include cost for delivery.
  6. Select Payments tab to enter payment from your customer.
  7. Select Message tab if you want add some message to to this invoice.
  8. Notice that every time you enter any value to invoice the system automatically recalculate total in summary row on the bottm. Paid and Balance text boxes have colors. Light red color indicates that invoice is unpaid but is not overdue yet. Red color indicates that invoice is unpaid and is overdue. Green color means that invoice is fully paid.
  9. Wnen you finish add items to invoice click Save button. Your invoice will appear on invoices list and Print window will displayed. You can print out your invoice, save as pdf or send invoice via email to your customer.
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Create similar invoices

If you often issue similar invoices containing the same data you can use Create Similar option. This option is available in hidden menu when you use right mouse button on selected invoice.