
Simple Invoice provides comprehensive and qick reports in tabular format:

Monthly report
Provides sales information on monthly basis.
Daily report
Provides sales information on daily basis.
Sales report
Provides user overview information on the sales activities, include number of invoice issued, quantity, total sales amount, total tax and total balance due.
Sales by Invoice number
Gives details sales information by invoice, include invoice date, invoice number, customer, total sales amount, payments and total balance due.
Sales by Invoice items
Provides details sales information by items, include invoice date, invoice number, item name, quantity, customer, total sales amount, payments and total balance due.
Sales by Category
Gives details sales information on a specific category, include number of invoice issued, quantity, total sales amount and profit.
Sales by customers
Provides details sales information on a specific customer, include number of invoice issued, total sales amount, payments and balance due.
Sales by salesman
Provides details sales information on a specific salesman, include salesman name, number of invoice issued, total sales amount and profit.
Sales by salesman items
Provides details sales information on a specific salesman and items, include salesman name, item name, quantity of items sold, item price, total sales amount and profit.
Sales profit
This report shows profit by months and days.
Only items from the stock are included to this report and only if Control this item check box is checked.
Inventory report
This report list the current quantity of all items with amounts.
Only items from the stock are included to this report and only if Control this item check box is checked.
Sales retun
The report shows quantities of returned items based on return invoices.
Payemnts report
This report provides payment information on daily basis. It shows the name of customer, invoice number, payment date, payment method, note and amount.
Overdue Invoices
This report shows the number of days that a payment is overdue based on the initial due date of the invoice.
Purchase report
Provides purchase information on monthly basis.
Profit and Loos report
Provides a summary of a company's revenues from sale module and expenses from purchase and expense modules.

Report dashboard

You can adjust report output using date range, order results by selected column, group by month or quarter. You can also display results for particular customer and hide unnecessary culums.
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Cash basis accounting vs. accrual accounting

Daily and Monthly reports provide option to show totals in accrual basis or cash basis mode. Cash accounting recognizes revenue and expenses only when money changes hands, but accrual accounting recognizes revenue when it’s earned and expenses when they’re billed (but not paid). You can switch report between cash basis view and accrual basis view. Cash basis is reflected in payments column.